Firewise Services

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Keep Your Property Safe From Fires

Partner with us for brush cutting services in Prescott, AZ

Parts of central Arizona only see a few inches of rainfall each year, making the risk of wildfire even more extreme. Thumb Butte Tree Service in Prescott, AZ has partnered with local Firewise programs to provide defensible space services around your home or development. We'll assess your property to determine your need for fire safety and provide the necessary brush cutting services to keep your home safe.

Contact us today for professional brush cutting services in Payson, AZ.

Bring in our wildfire expert

As a local firefighter, our company's owner knows just how common forest fires are around Prescott, AZ. You can trust us to keep your property safe by delivering the brush cutting services you need while adhering to your HOA guidelines. If your home or development is surrounded by dense woods, we'll clear the overgrown shrubbery. With a defensible space around your property, you won't have to worry about rouge wildfires destroying your home.

Learn more about our defensible space services in Prescott, AZ.

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